
7 Tips for ACCA Examinations | Top ACCA Exam Tips

August 18, 2020

7 Important Tips for ACCA Exams

We’re here with the 7 tips to help you sail through ACCA Examination but let us understand, what’s in these exams? ACCA Examinations are a tool to prepare ACCA Student with all the necessary skills to produce industry-ready individuals. The scope of the curriculum requires students to employ diligent effort and a smart learning approach. Since ACCA is a rewarding profession, the curriculum is designed to test each and every skill required in the practical world through a theoretical perspective too.

It ensures the industry gets access to the highest quality of professional accountants but it makes appearing ACCA exams difficult even to hardworking and meritorious ACCA Students. The success in ACCA examination is a fruit for deserving and only hardworking few make it despite thousands registering each year. However, the feat is certainly attainable and these 7 tips for ACCA examination will help you sail through ACCA Test.

Here are The 7 Most Important Tips for ACCA Exams

  1. Creating a routine
  2. Registering for exams early
  3. Participate in group study for ACCA examinations
  4. Revising past papers
  5. Evaluating time during practice
  6. Go through technical articles
  7. Join an Approved Learning Partners ALPs

Tips for ACCA Examination: Appearing an exam is not as easy as taking a crack at egg in the morning for a nice breakfast. A dedicated study routine, practice, drive to learn and to tackle questions are part of clearing the hardest ACCA exams. The 7 important Tips for ACCA exams are for those who want to be successful in these examinations on their first go and appear exam in a strategic manner.

  1. Creating a Routine

“Practice makes a man perfect”, quoted Vince Lombardi, a very long time ago. The inevitable truth will still stand correct for any humanoid tasks, crafts, and even ACCA exams until the end of time itself. The students that stand a chance at succeeding in ACCA examinations are one who studies the free materials and premium materials available with myACCA account provided to them. Go through all the material at a set period of the day, every other day before your ACCA examinations. The most important thing about the current tip’s to set a daily and weekly target for completion of materials inside the module. Similarly, setting a day to study a particular module during a particular time of the day or the week – can help ACCA students reach their study goals easily and comprehend every little detail in the module.

  1. Registering for Exams Early

“Early bird catches the worm”, is a proverb that has been in popularity since ages, and ACCA Students need to keep special note of it. Late registration for ACCA examinations are costly, prevent students from preparing amply, and may even stress hem out. On this list – 7 tips will help you sail through the ACCA Exam, the most important of them all the current tips must be the most important tip for ACCA Exams. The success in ACCA examination comes only after hard practice and setting up a routine, if you take an early date, you can make and devise a study routine for the examination. It will help divide the course load into small chunks before your examination and help you prepare for exams way lot easier than rushing through the ACCA materials right after your late registration. Book an earlier date and study through the course work and materials way before the actual exam.

  1. Participate in Group Study for ACCA Examinations

Father James Keller Quoted, “A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle”. Indeed an ACCA student appearing ACCA examination loses nothing by teaching other fellow ACCA students. In fact, there is much to gain from teaching and participating in group studies for ACCA examinations. The students can get answers to questions they find difficult from other students. The students also get an added benefit of revision and memorization by teaching fellow students the questions which they can solve themselves. The studies from Aloysius Wei LunKoh and the team for Applied Cognitive Psychology demonstrated the students who taught what they learned were better able to retrieve information than ones who only revised themselves. The retrieval of information and chance to find answers to the difficult questions makes group study a perfect learning opportunity for success in ACCA examination.

  1. Revising Past Papers of ACCA Test

“Change is the result of all true learning”, is indeed a very useful quote for those reappearing ACCA examinations for a batter grade or going on that second try. The students with prior Computer Based Examinations CBE and Centre Based examination know the importance of revisiting past papers very well. The past papers will help you determine what specifically a particular ACCA examination demands, how to tackle these papers, and the routine you will need to prepare for particularly challenging portions. Download the ACCA past papers from the download section of the ACCA Global website or buy the past papers from ACCA approved publishers.

  1. Evaluating Time During Practice

Time is similar to money because it doesn’t come back once it’s spent. The ACCA examinations are time-based examinations and ACCA students must keep an eye on the clock. Rather than appearing the haphazardly without a knack of time on the actual exam day, students must develop a habit of finding solutions within a set period of time during practice. On the list of 7 tips will help you sail through ACCA Exam, this is another important tip, as the ability to find solutions during a set period will help you manage time efficiently and solve all the questions asked in the exam. The ability to manage time and solve every question in the question paper ensures the chance of acing the ACCA exams to a significantly higher degree.

  1. Go Through Technical Articles

The technical articles from the Examiner on ACCA global are an important resource, the student should not miss while preparing for ACCA exams. While the current tip stands sixth in the 7 important Tips for ACCA exams, it is equally essential because these examiner reports are full of important technical techniques, ACCA exams tip, problem-solving guide, and more for comprehensive details on all the factors inside a given module.

  1. Join an Approved Learning Partners ALPs

While it is a demanding task for professionals who cannot leave their jobs and are indulged in self preparations but it is advised to all the ACCA Students to focus fully on ACCA. The final tip on the 7 tips will help you sail through ACCA is a quintessential and probably the biggest of all the tips on the list. The gains of focusing completely on ACCA and clearing the exams on the first try are much higher. Thus, the students are advised to find and join the nearest ACCA Approved Learning Partners ALPs for detailed classes, mock-up examinations, tailored individual sessions, and thorough preparation. Check the ACCA Global for the nearest ALPs to start your ACCA journey.


Above are the best tips for ACCA examination in Nepal.Read this blog on “7 Tips to Help you for ACCA Examinations” drafted by the professional team of Seed Financial Academy.